Safework NSW – Moving Plant Checklist


SafeWork NSW have produced a Self-Assesment Checklist : Safety around Moving Plant

The use of powered mobile plant (including forklifts)  in the workplace is a major cause of serious injuries and even fatalities in NSW workplaces. SafeWork NSW has identifed the three main reasons why workers are killed and seriously injured in mobile plant incidents and these are:

1. Being hit or crushed by mobile plant.
2. Being hit or crushed by a load that the mobile plant is moving.
3. Being crushed in a mobile plant tip over.

If you are a Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU), a self-employed person or a controller of a workplace with mobile plant, this self-assessment tool is designed to provide guidance for what you can do to
improve safety around mobile plant and put in place measures to control the associated risks in your workplace to be compliant with safety legislation.

This tool relates to powered mobile plant operation, high risk work licensing, pedestrian separation, load handling, seatbelts and general mobile plant safety and maintenance.

A copy of the checklist can be downloaded from the SafeWork NSW website or here


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